We would first like to say thank you for being a tutor with us. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions along your journey. With that being said, I would like to go over a few housekeeping items to keep the process moving smoothly. 

You’ve received the green light to tutor. Now what?

You’ll be receiving a few important documents from us, and we need you to do a few things to get things going. Here’s what you’ll receive:

  1. Client Acceptance Form – Your Immediate Action Needed ✅
  2. Background Check (Email from “ClearCheck” ) – Your Immediate Action Needed ✅
  3. Payroll/Pay Period – Your Immediate Action Needed ✅
  4. Approval Calendar – Only for DDD Clients
  5. Timesheet Forms (We suggest printing these)
    • 6A Agency Hours Report – Private & DDD Clients
    • Request for Payment Form – DDD Clients 

You will receive a Client Acceptance Form for every client that you work with. This form includes your contact information, pay rate, and your client’s details (phone, address, subject, and approved work period).

Please review for accuracy, sign, and return before your first tutoring session.

Prior to officially beginning to work with any of your clients, you will be required to complete a background check. An email from  “ClearChecks” will be emailed to you. Please complete this e-mail ASAP in order to avoid any delays. 

All tutors at Actual Solutions are independent contractors. You are able to schedule your clients through them directly on your time. For any questions or issues with payment, please reach out to jess@actual-solutions.com.

Some action items:

  • Indicate how you want to be paid. We pay via mailed check or through PayPal. Click the button below to let us know what form of payment you prefer.  


Someone from our staff will send you an Approval Calendar for each DDD client you work. If you are working with a private client, this does NOT apply. 

DDD Students –  What’s on the Approval Calendar to note:

    • Start Date and End Date of the Approval. This time period are the only dates that have been approved for tutoring services. Anything beyond those dates will NOT be compensated.
    • Units per week. You will be told how many units you may tutor each week. You CANNOT get ahead of the calendar, but you may MAKE UP missed sessions as long as it falls before the Approval End Date.

You will receive two documents to obtain signature from your client during your time working with them

  1. (6A) Agency Hours Report  (our internal form)
  2. Request For Payment Form (PPL Payment Request) *DDD Students; OR 
  3. AWC Request for Payment Form *Easter Seals Students
*Both forms must be submitted when timesheets are due. We suggest you print them and take them with you to your sessions. 

Timesheets must be sent to billing@actual-solutions.com and are due on the 5th and 20th of the month. Please scan the documents and be sure that they are CLEAR. You can also take a photo if you are having issues scanning. 

*Are you more visual? Linked here are prefilled forms to show you how a completed document should be done for a DDD student.

*Are you more of a step by step person? Check out our video HERE

Each month, we will be asking you to complete a student progress report so that we can provide this information to the support coordinators/families. 


Due on the last Friday of the month. 


You will only need to complete:

  1. (6A) Agency Hours Report  (our internal form)
We suggest you print them and take them with you to your sessions. 

Client’s parents/guardians may sign for their tutoring sessions. 

You may work with a client for as long as they request services. Clients work with our private tutors at minimum for 60 minutes and can then be billed in 15 minute increments. 


  • Who can sign the forms?
    • DDD Clients: ONLY the client receiving services may sign. If the client CANNOT sign, we must submit paperwork to authorize the guardian/parent to sign on their behalf. Please email us if your client CANNOT sign.
    • Private Clients: The parent/guardian may sign.
  • What if the documents are not signed? Documents without correct signatures or filled incorrectly may delay the payment process.
  • Where do I send them?Send both forms to BILLING@ACTUAL-SOLUTIONS.COM
  • Can I bill in partial hours? All time should be reported in “FULL”unit increments. Check your Client Acceptance form or speak to us if any questions.
  • How many UNITS can I tutor each week? You’re Approval Calendar (also known as a Service Detail Report – SDR) list how many UNITS you may tutor each week. We must adhere to the total laid out in the SDR (i.e. you cannot tutor more than what’s listed each week). Anything done OUTSIDE of the weekly allotment will not be compensated. *This does not include cases where you must make up hours
  • How long can I work with my client? On the SDR it gives a start and END date. Please note the END dates are FIRM and that services performed outside the time period will NOT be PAID.


Missing something? Click below for blank downloadable forms.

If you have an Easter Seals client, please email info@actual-solutions.com. 


All open positions are sent through an email blast via MailChimp. Click the button below to view all our previous email blasts. 

For Questions About:


As a tutor, we know there are quite a few things/dates to remember, so we created this timeline to help you out. 

  • Mark your calendar with your effective dates – most importantly your END DATE with a reminder 2 weeks prior to discuss extension/final date of service. This is found on your approval calendar.
  • Schedule your first tutoring session with your client. Once you do so, let us know so we can update our records. 
  • 7 Days after your first session, someone from our staff will reach out to check in on your sessions.
  • 5th of the month – Timesheets are due (Pay period calendar here)
  • 20th of the month – Timesheets are due 
  • 1 month after your first session – Complete a progress report . Progress reports thereafter will be due the final Friday of each following month.
  • 1st of the following month that you begin, you will receive payment.
  • 15th of the month, you will receive payment.
  • 2 weeks before your end date, reach out to us to assess renewal/end of service items
Thereafter, we’ll touch base with you 2 -3 months after your first session to check on progress and see if there are any things we can do to help.